The UNESCO Report
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (1978): Suggestology and Suggestopedia. Theory and Practice According to the UNESCO report, Suggestopedia is the most adequate methodology for combating illiteracy. UNESCO experts in Medicine, Psychology and Pedagogy have confirmed that compared to other pedagogical approaches, Suggestopedia achieves faster learning outcomes, along with positive effects on the personality and health of the learners, in the sense that there are no negative side-effects from learning huge amounts of information, like tension, fatigue or other didactogenic diseases. To download the full report, click below:UNESCO-Report-Suggestopedia.pdf
To watch a video documenting the UNESCO experts' observations click here
"Today, standing before the might of scientific progress and information technologies, we ask ourselves how to master all this in a short time without tension and at the same time maintaining a humanitarian balance in our lives.”