Early Suggestopaedia

Early Suggestopaedia


On the basis of the general suggestion theory, Dr. Lozanov developed a desuggestive-suggestive pedagogical system, which he named Suggestopaedia.

With the support of the well-known psychiatrist Prof. Sharankov, Dr. Lozanov set up a Suggestopaedia Department at the “Todor Samodoumov” Institute of Pedagogy in Sofia. The facility was used to conduct experimental foreign language courses at the level of memorizing words and phrases; these courses confirmed, beyond any doubt, that suggestion in the wakeful state reveals the unused reserves of the brain and results in hypermnesia. Furthermore, the observations show a relatively longer lasting capacity for the retrieval of the memorised material, low fatigue levels and a considerable psycho-hygienic and psycho-prophylactic effect.

The overall educational arrangements took into account the physiological and psychological laws of the personality and the functional unity of the brain; simultaneously engaging both the cortex structures and the sub-cortex, including the right and left brain hemispheres.

The suggestopaedic educational process simultaneously activates the emotional and motivational complex, thinking in images, logical abstraction; hence, it purposefully addresses as many conscious and para-conscious functions of the personality as possible.

Moreover, it respects the inseparable unity of knowledge acquisition processes with alternating emphasis from the general to the specific, as an element of the former, and back to the general, as a structural unity that one has already acquired.

In this respect, it can be claimed that Suggestopedia is an early advocate of the principles of cognitive constructivism as well as holistic learning.