Discussing the principles and how they can be practically applied
Here are our NOTES from the second online meeting (Demember 11th, 2020)
Principles | Practical ideas for their application |
There are unused capacities of the human brain/psyche | Absolute faith in the reserves (Hypermnesia, Hypercreativity, Spontaneous Cure from didactogenic diseases)
Infantilisation (becoming children again) | Mother tongue natural acquisition processes
Learning is both conscious and unconscious | Scenario-based / experiential learning
LOVE | Motherly love = fading scaffolding
FREEDOM | Tender suggestion VS authoritative commands
Whole-brain learning | Multi-sensory input / multiple intelligences / differentiation
Passive knowledge (recognition) is of the same value as active knowledge (production) | The pyramid of knowledge: (greater volume at the bottom where passive knowledge accumulates and less volume at the top where there is production)
Global-partial and partial-global treatment | Exposure to global units (normal discourse, chunks of speech) Integration of elements (words, letters, grammatical phenomena) within the global units all the time each time
Classical aesthetics | Suggestive Power of Classical Art and Music=Suggestopedagogy
The Golden Proportion | Harmonious alternation and balance between
Concentrative psychorelaxation | Mental alertness with physical relaxation = increased perception