

Greece Meeting


Greece Meeting was organised by - the Coordinator of the Project- the 3rd Senior High School of Nea Philadelphia in Athens, Greece, named “MILTOS KOUNTOURAS” . The context of the project is mainly on the Greek Language Teaching with Suggesopedia Methodology and the Cultural activities. 6 Teachers, 24 students took part from the Host School. 16 Teachers and 22 students participated from the partner schools.



The Activites in the project are listed below:


Greek Peer-Teaching 

During the first transnational meeting in Athens, 22 students of the 3rd GEL of New Philadelphia taught Greek to their partners with the innovative Suggestopedia experiential language teaching method through theatrical dialogues, music, dances, traditional and digital games and shared many aspects of Greek culture through language.

In 10 Hours Language Course, pupils learned Greek Language with Suggestopedia Methodology with the guidance of ELT Stavriana Soubassi and Greek Students. You can learn more about Suggestopedi on our project website.

You can download the documents prepared for the language teaching activities.

Download Student Booklet
1st Day of Peer Education

2nd Day of Peer Education

3rd Day of Peer Education

4rd Day of Peer Education - Evaluation Day

Sightseeing in Nea Philadelphia

Nea Philadelphia is the district where the host school is located. Participant pupils and teachers took sightseeing tour in the place accompanied by host school Teachers and the students.

The 25 students from the partnership schools learned to read and write simple sentences in Greek, introduce themselves, introduce their friends and family, talk about their talents and interests and give an interview!


Visit the Acropolis Museum and Surroundings

The Acropolis Museum  is an archaeological museum focused on the findings of the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens. The museum was built to house every artifact found on the rock and on the surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece. It also lies over the ruins of part of Roman and early Byzantine Athens.

All students and teachers visited the Museum.



Trip to Delphi

Delphi  in legend previously called Pytho (Πυθώ), in ancient times was a sacred precinct that served as the seat of Pythia, the major oracle who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. The oracle was international in character and also fostered sentiments of Greek nationality, even though the nation of Greece was centuries away from realization.


Telling the Oracles Activity in Delphi

Greek Students told the Oracles of the guest Students and Teachers as a demonstrations of ancient times.

Poem Declamations in Delphi

Students and Teachers read Poems in their native languages on the stage of the ancient treather in Delphi.

Walk in the historical centre of Athens

Ancient Places in the City Center visited by the guest students and teachers. 


Visit to the museum of ancient music, technology and inventions

One of the most significant place the Ancient Music, Technology and Inventions Museum in Athens was visited by the project group. And Guides gave informations about  the Ancient Greek Technologies Developments and the Inventions leading the European Developments.


Cultural Meeting And Meals



Fairwell Party and Certification Ceremony

Certifications of Attandence were given to the guest students and teachers. 

Teachers and Students had fun in the Fairwell Party.


Meeting evaluation (parallel workshops for students and teachers) Teachers' meeting (Mobility Tool, TwinSpace etc.)

 While students and teachers are visiting the Museum Coordinator Teachers had a meeting for evaluating the activities and planning the next meeting orders. All students and teachers also filled the evaluation forms to determine the efficiency of the activities.

European Language Day

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